Mission Statement
The Mingo County Board of Education (MCBOE) and the Mingo County School District (MCSD) work collaboratively to establish policies and procedures, to implement research-based instructional strategies, to provide a safe and secure environment, and to grow a portfolio of services and resources to teach our learners, to support them toward achievement and accomplishment, to contribute to the wellness of the whole child including physical, emotional, and mental health, all to create pathways to success in continued education and career.
Vision Statement Slogan
Learning, success, and wellness for all, in a safe and nurturing environment.
Core Beliefs/Values:
- Everyone can learn and has the right to be educated.
- The District and its schools are responsible for creating classroom (in-person or virtual) opportunities and climate necessary for all students to be college and career ready.
- Strong instructional leadership and high-quality personnel are required to create systemic change and develop a culture that values every student.
- Education requires a working relationship among the home, school, and community.
- Education will include rigorous and relevant academic and technical skills needed for success in continued education and career.
- Equal opportunity and success requires appropriate resources distributed according to needs of students.
- An exploration of arts, and activities based on student interest will produce well-rounded young people.
- Support for wellness of the whole child, including physical, emotional, and mental health is essential for a learner to thrive.
- The District should partner with families to help them understand the strengths and challenges of their children and to connect them with resources and strategies to support their learners and strengthen their families.
- A safe and secure school environment, with vigilant strategies to protect our students and staff, and effective communication channels for families, is essential to sustain the community’s confidence that students will be safe each day.
Strategic Goals
- Mingo County Schools will increase proficiency in English/LA among students in all grades by 50% using various tools and programs.
- Mingo County Schools will increase proficiency in Mathematics among students in all grades by 50% using various tools and programs.
- Mingo County Schools will increase the number of CTE students completing a program of study by 2%.
- Mingo County Schools will support students and families to increase the student attendance rate by 50% and decrease the number of out of school suspensions by 50% by utilizing research-based programs and initiatives that deal with the whole child.