• Frequently asked Questions about Learning Options

    computer and learning image

    Question: I hear the terms virtual learning and remote learning being used a lot. Are these the same thing?

    Answer: Virtual learning and remote learning are two different concepts, in the context of our learning options. Remote learning refers to technology-aided learning that our in-person, or brick and mortar students participate in on Fridays, or should the school be closed during inclement weather. Remote learning will also take place for these students if the school is temporarily closed for COVID-19. Virtual learning refers to technology-delivered instruction for students who do not attend classes in the school building. The instruction is facilitated and taught by a certified Mingo County school teacher. 

    Question: My child receives special education services. Can they still be virtual learners and what services can they receive?

    Answer: It is our recommendation that special education students attend in-person instruction. Nevertheless, there may be some families who decide the best option for their student is to attend school virtually. The special education teachers and the District Special Education department would address student needs and services on a student-by-student basis.

    Question: What happens if my child cannot attend school because of weather?

    Answer: Our new technology and instructional strategies will take away the need for a snow-day that will have to be made up, later in the year. Instead, students will be prepared for remote learning days if the weather is expected to be inclement.

    Question: What is the difference between home-school and virtual learning?  

    Answer: Parents who choose home-schooling withdraw their child from enrollment in the public school. The parent is responsible for providing the curriculum and instruction and students are not eligible for participation in school activities or athletics. Students in the Mingo County Schools Virtual Learning Program are enrolled in their local public school but learn at home, using a virtual curriculum, which is provided free of charge by Mingo County. The curriculum is facilitated and taught by a Mingo County certified teacher. Students may participate in school activities and athletics as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.

     Question: If we choose the virtual option, will my child fall behind?  

     Answer: It is important for virtual students to follow learning schedules and pacing goals. While there is the ability for a student to accelerate learning in a virtual program, as well as to spend more time on certain assignments, students must work consistently to keep from falling behind.

     Question: My child will be a virtual learner this school year.  Will he have to take a test to move on to the next grade?

    Answer: Mingo County Schools does not give a test to qualify a student for promotion to the next grade. Students in the virtual learning program are provided instruction based on the learning standards for their grade level. The teacher will monitor the student’s performance and will provide support.

    Question: Will I be able to access my child's grades with the virtual learning option? 

    Answer: The virtual student’s classes, grades, and communication tools are located on a learning dashboard within the virtual learning platform.

    Question: Will I receive a progress report with the virtual learning option?

    Answer: Yes. Progress reports will be given for virtual students.

    Question: My child is a high school senior.  Will choosing the virtual learning option affect her class ranking?

    Answer: Virtual learners have access to the same courses that students have in the brick and mortar environment, including classes with weighted credit, like AP.  Class rank is determined by a student’s final GPA, after all added weight is calculated.

    Question: Will AP classes be offered with the virtual learning option?

    Answer: Yes.

    Question: What if I chose the virtual learning option and decide to do the blended instruction before school starts?

    Answer: The families have until the end of the first two weeks of school to return their students to the in-person, blended environment in the brick and mortar building. After the first two weeks, the student must remain in the program until the end of the semester.