Degrees and Certifications:
Dr. Johnny Branch
Dr. Johnny Branch began in the position of Superintendent on July 1, 2021. He was the Assistant Superintendent four years preceeding. He has served as an educator in the Mingo County Schools District since 2004, teaching at the former Burch Elementary and Williamson Middle Schools. Dr. Branch's first principalship was at Williamson High School, where he presided over the Centennial celebration. From 2010 until 2017 he served as Principal of Tug Valley High School where he collaborated with his staff to bring innovation, graduation rates of over 90% and progress in the development of athletic facilities. In the Spring of 2017 Dr. Branch received recognition as the RESA II Principal of the Year. As the Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Branch worked to enhance learning opportunities through the District's virtual school and the expansion of the instructional technology toolbox for our teachers. Looking ahead, the Superintendent will focus on the recovery of learning and attention to student and staff social-emotional and mental health, brought to the forefront by the pandemic and the many days of remote learning.